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Mymensingh Diocese;
Bishop House, P.O Box no. 37, Bhatikashore, Mymensingh 2200
Email: bcsmmym3@gmail.com
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Happy Birthday our beloved Most Rev. Bishop Ponen Paul Kubi, CSC

Your speech, conduct and faith have inspired us in so many ways. You have shown a good example to all of us in your ministry, and you have remained steadfast in your service to the diocese. Indeed, your life is worthy of emulation. 

Most Rev. Bishop Ponen Paul Kubi, CSC

Most Rev. Bishop Ponen Paul Kubi, CSC

Mymensingh BCSM members with Most Rev. Bishop Ponen Paul Kubi, CSC

We are so lucky to have you in our lives, Bishop.

Thank you for your continued guidance, and have a wonderful birthday!

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