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Mymensingh Diocese;
Bishop House, P.O Box no. 37, Bhatikashore, Mymensingh 2200
Email: bcsmmym3@gmail.com
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Announce about Diocesan Conference-2018

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Bangladesh Catholic Students' Movement (BCSM), Mymensingh Diocese going to arrange Diocesan Conference -2018 and Get Together with Former Members. Diocesan conference is the shadow program of National conference of BCSM which arranged by executive committee for limited members.

We, the Mymensingh Diocesan BCSM arranging for our members and also inviting interested and selected christian youths.

You could attend if you are-.
  1.  A member or Interested in BCSM.
  2. College or University christian student.

  3. Supporting youth activities of the parish.
  4. Ready to participate in any activities of the program.
  5. Participants registration fee: BDT 100.00
Date: 13-15th December, 2018 
Venue: Pastoral Center, Bhatikashor, Mymensingh.

Let the students of BCSM shine in the world while making peace and keeping harmony after this great event.

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