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Mymensingh Diocese;
Bishop House, P.O Box no. 37, Bhatikashore, Mymensingh 2200
Email: bcsmmym3@gmail.com
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Mymensingh BCSM: Gathering and Meeting of unit representatives

Bangladesh Catholic Students’ Movement (BCSM), Mymensingh Diocesan Team arrange a gathering & Meeting for unit representatives. BCSM carries out their activities at three units- Bhatikashor, Birioi Dakuni and Dhakua parish in Mymensingh Diocese.
Group picture of  Mymensingh Diocesan BCSM Team

This gathering arranges to address their new unit representatives and sharing their activities among the units. It inspires representatives to take their activities in future. They updated their unit situation and hope to active.

Discussion time 

The representatives are Namseng Pantra, Gasu Chiran (Biroidakuni Unit); Tithi Mrong, Jhorna Nokrek (Dhakua Unit), Alfonse Mankhin (Bhatikashor Unit) were present at this meeting. 
Meeting time of Mymensingh BCSM 

Diocesan Chaplain Fr. Joseph Bijon Kubi and Diocesan Representative Nishan Rema attended at the meeting and shared thier inspirational views for representatives.

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